Below are a few films we’ve produced, directed and / or been featured in.
THANK YOU Palmetto Lifefor creating this really different piece on RAW LAB!
A short film about RAW LAB, the world’s ONLY Omakase-Style Raw Bar Experience, EVER! Really. Produced, & Directed by Kevin Joseph. Cinematography & Editing by Jack Solway.
Henry Roosevelt / Wise Fool’s Take on RAW LAB is a trip. WOW!
A short film about the Omakase Oyster Service we created in 2017 and have now innovated into a 14+ oyster variety offering featuring our Accoutrement Premier™. Produced, & Directed by Kevin Joseph. Cinematography & Editing by Eve Edelheit
ARTE TV - A EUROPEAN TV SHOW segment about Kevin Joseph & Oyster Diving on Long Island.
The story of the oyster divers of Long Island Sound. Produced & Directed by Kevin Joseph. Cinematography & Editing by Peter Crosby
Long Island’s Peconic Bay scallop harvest from aboard FV harvest moon. Produced, & Directed by Kevin Joseph. Cinematography & Editing by Peter Crosby
The Green Gilled Oysters of North Carolina. Produced, & Directed by Kevin Joseph. Cinematography & Editing by Peter Crosby
Oysterponds and parts of Orient and East Marion, LI, NY were granted to the ancestors of Reg Tuthill long ago. Now they grow oysters there. Produced, & Directed by Kevin Joseph. Cinematography & Editing by Peter Crosby