Empire Oyster is working on a plan to help you get and use these boxes to use to ship direct to consumer (now) and direct to chef (later) . We found (and want to help you get your hands on) these boxes which feature a plant based insulation layer (that dissolves in water) and a recyclable cardboard box to ship direct to consumers. It is a MUCH greener option than styrofoam. We think we found a way to do this without a huge investment by a small grower or fisherman. More below.

Click here for pricing on the boxes and the gel packs.



Oyster growers and fishermen of all kinds would be VERY WELL SERVED to use this COVID time to figure out how to ship direct to consumers. Those business that do will likely have a much better chance of surviving this crisis while sales to distributors and restaurants are still in recovery. The leaders in the oyster business have been doing this direct to consumer and direct to chef for years. And they are winning now, BIG TIME.

Empire Oyster is passing this along in the hope you will find some value in it. If we can put together a large order maybe we can get the cost per unit down AND maybe we can get small growers who are new to shipping direct to consumers small quantities to start with.

Empire Oyster has no financial benefit here. We dont want to get into this business. We DO however want to help growers and fishermen…

  1. Survive COVID

  2. Develop a Direct to Consumer Market (Now) without a big investment in boxes (money / storage)

  3. Develop a Direct to Chef Market (Later)

  4. Give Americans better access to local, regional and high quality American seafood which is 100% traceable

  5. Get Americans buying and cooking and eating a lot more American seafood which will help us to export less and import less too.

  6. Increase the perceived value of American seafood

  7. Increase profit margins and reduce or eliminate “receivables” or net terms.

Let us know if you want to come in for 20, 40, 80 or 100 boxes.

Soon we will find out….

  1. What are the price breaks we can target

  2. Will manufacturer drop ship to each grower who orders or do we have to take delivery of the whole shipment and then re-ship to growers (and what are the costs of that).
